+1-217-356-2888 / +1-877-736-8932

Cancellation Policy

For security purposes, the only acceptable channel for account closure is the Close Account Form contained within the https://Prominic.NET/me Customer Contact Portal. Please see http://Prominic.NET/CloseAccount for details regarding Prominic Support enabling this form. Accounts cannot be closed via any other means.

If you have executed a contract for services with Prominic, please refer to your contract for the implications of canceling service prior to the expiration of the contract term.

If you are on a month-to-month package, you may close your account with 30 days notice. Notice can be provided either by filling out the Close Account Form within the Customer Contact Portal or in writing (via e-mail or fax) to Prominic Support. The Close Account Form will ultimately be required for closure finalization, regardless of how notice is provided.

You will be billed for services provided until your account is closed, regardless of whether those services are utilized. Your service will not be stopped prior to the end of this 30-day window unless you explicitly indicate that Prominic should do so.

Prominic will contact you within three business days after you submit your request to cancel. If you do not receive a confirmation, then your submission was not received! Please contact Prominic support at +1.217.356.2999 if you do not hear from us within this time frame.

This document may be modified at any time and will be in effect 30 days after online posting.

Rev. 20150110
Posted: December 1st, 2006
In Effect: January 1st, 2007